Growth Modification 101: Early Intervention and the Foundation for a Perfect Smile

Growth modification is an important part of early orthodontic intervention that’s aimed at guiding the development of the jaw and facial structure in growing children. We know that sounds a little ambiguous, so we’ll get into the details of growth modification in this article, including its benefits and how we’re able to correct skeletal discrepancies and establish a solid foundation for a healthy, functional, and aesthetically-pleasing smile.

What is Growth Modification?

Growth modification refers to orthodontic treatments and techniques designed to alter the growth of the jaw and facial bones. This approach is typically used in children and adolescents who are still in their growth phase. Growth modification can address a variety of skeletal discrepancies—such as overbites, underbites, and crossbites—by using appliances that guide the growth of the jaw in the desired direction. Common growth modification appliances include palate expanders, reverse-pull facemasks, and other functional tools.

Why Growth Modification Is Important to Your Child’s Orthodontic Journey

The primary goal of growth modification is to correct skeletal imbalances early, before the jaw has finished growing. This proactive approach can prevent more severe orthodontic problems that would require complex treatments, such as surgery, in adulthood. By intervening during the growth phase, our orthodontic team can achieve more stable and lasting results, setting the stage for a healthy bite and beautiful smile.

The Benefits of Growth Modification

When you bring your child in for an initial visit, we’ll perform an exam to assess their jaw and facial structure for any indicators that intervention might be necessary. We know this part of the process can sometimes feel daunting for you and your child (especially if you have your own memories associated with headgear and spacers!). Our goal is to take the intimidation out of these interactions, which is why we always talk your kiddo (and you) through possible treatment options in plain language and focus on the bigger picture of what they stand to gain through the process, including: 

  • Early Correction of Skeletal Imbalances: Growth modification addresses jaw discrepancies during the critical growth period, ensuring that the upper and lower jaws develop in harmony.

  • Reduced Need for Future Surgery: By correcting jaw alignment issues early, growth modification can often eliminate the need for more invasive surgical procedures later in life, which is one of the reasons we’re so passionate about early intervention.

  • Improved Oral Function and Facial Aesthetics: Correcting jaw discrepancies enhances the function of the bite, making it easier for your child to chew, speak, and breathe properly. Proper jaw alignment also improves facial balance and symmetry, positively impacting children’s self confidence, social interactions, and overall well-being.

Issues Targeted by Growth Modification Treatments in Young Patients

Our knowledge of the natural growth process combined with advanced treatment technology allows us to create a growth modification plan targeted toward specific issues, including: 

  • Treating Overbites and Underbites: Growth modification can correct severe overbites (where the lower jaw is too far back), and underbites (where the lower jaw is too far forward), ensuring proper alignment of the jaws.

  • Expanding the Upper Jaw: Appliances like palatal expanders can widen the upper jaw, correcting crossbites, and creating more space for permanent teeth to erupt correctly.

  • Guiding Lower Jaw Growth: Functional appliances can encourage forward growth of the lower jaw in cases where it is underdeveloped, promoting a more balanced facial profile.

  • Improving Breathing and Speech: By correcting jaw alignment issues, growth modification can help improve breathing and speech, particularly in children with narrow jaws or obstructive sleep apnea.

  • Preventing Future Orthodontic Problems: Early intervention with growth modification sets the stage for a smoother orthodontic journey, potentially reducing the complexity and duration of future treatments for your child.

In Conclusion

Growth modification is a proactive approach to correcting skeletal discrepancies and guiding the development of the jaw and facial structure. Through treatments, your child will have a better foundation for a beautiful smile, enhanced oral function, improved comfort and confidence, and an overall better quality of life. Our mission is to give patients like you and your child more to smile about, and that starts first and foremost with our dedication to providing an awesome experience that feels approachable. Because going to the orthodontist doesn’t have to feel scary or intimidating, at least not when you get the Royal Treatment. 

If you’re unsure whether this is right for your child or want to schedule an initial exam, click the “Request Appointment” button to submit your information and we’ll reach out to get the process started (or simply answer any questions you might have, which we love doing!).


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